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Technical support

Welcome to the GARETT Technical support page!

How can we help you?

Tutorial video for the Garett Tracker app

Not satisfied with the paper and electronic version of the user manual for our children's watches? No problem! Just turn on our new tutorial video for the Garett Tracker app to learn all the information about how to use it in a quick and effortless way.


Frequently asked questions

“Friends” function

To activate the “Friends” function on the smartwatch:

  • Go to the “Friends” menu.
  • Wait for the sound signal and the activation of one of the icons.


  • You can have a maximum of four friends.
  • When connecting, both devices must be in the Friends menu.
  • The paired devices must have an active SIM card.
  • Prędkość parowania zależy od iThe pairing speed depends on the number of visible Bluetooth devices.lości widocznych urządzeń Bluetooth.

Can’t find the app? App not installing on the device? In such cases, please contact our service team:

+ 48 41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our hotline is at your disposal from Monday to Friday 8 am – 4 pm.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service by e-mail and report the problem in order to receive full written instructions what to do with the device.

We guarantee that you will receive a response to your application within 24 hours (on business days)

Najważniejsze informacje dotyczące materiałów w zegarkach wywołujących reakcje alergiczne

Nieliczne osoby reagują negatywnie na pewne materiały. Może to być wynikiem alergii, czynników środowiskowych, a także długotrwałej ekspozycji na substancje drażniące, między innymi mydło czy pot. Jeśli stwierdzono u Ciebie alergie lub inne nadwrażliwości, pamiętaj, że zegarki firmy GARETT i niektóre nasze paski zawierają materiały mogące wywołać reakcje alergiczne.

W przypadku dalszych pytań lub braku rozwiązania w naszej pomocy technicznej, zapraszamy do kontaktu drogą mailową lub telefoniczną:

+41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Nasz serwis i infolinia jest do Twojej dyspozycji od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach
8 – 16.

Gwarantujemy otrzymanie odpowiedzi na zgłoszenie w ciągu 24 godzin (w dni robocze).

Najważniejsze informacje dotyczące pomiarów pulsu, ciśnienia oraz saturacji krwi w zegarku

  1. Zegarek / opaska musi być w bezpośrednim kontakcie z naszą skórą. Pomiędzy czujnikiem, a skórą nie mogą znajdować się żadne materiały takie jak np. elementy ubrań.
  2. Pasek należy wyregulować w taki sposób, by urządzenie dobrze przylegało do nadgarstka oraz nie przesuwało się podczas pomiarów.
  3. Czujnik optyczny wyświetla parametry na podstawie przepływu krwi przez naczynia krwionośne. Zalecamy noszenie urządzenia nieco wyżej niż klasyczny zegarek z uwagi na większą ilość naczyń krwionośnych.
  4. Największą dokładność pomiarów uzyskamy podczas treningów charakteryzujących się jednostajnymi ruchami rąk, wtedy przepływ krwi przez naczynia krwionośne nadgarstka nie jest zaburzony. Intensywne i nieregularne ruchy rękami (np. trening na siłowni, siatkówka, piłka ręczna) zaburzają przepływ krwi przez nadgarstek i mogą negatywnie wpłynąć na dokładność pomiaru.
  5. Podczas pływania wyniki pomiarów czujnikiem optycznym mogą być niedokładne.
  6. Wyniki pomiarów u osób cierpiących na choroby układu krążenia mogą być błędne. Proszę pamiętać, że nie jest to urządzenie medyczne!
  7. Ciemniejsza karnacja skóry oraz tatuaże mogą uniemożliwić wiarygodny pomiar czujnikiem optycznym.

Czy podczas używania którejś z wyżej wymienionej funkcji występuje problem? Urządzenie pokazuje takie same wartości pomiarów lub znacznie odbiegające od rzeczywistych mimo zastosowania się do wyżej wymienionych informacji? Prosimy o skontaktowanie się z naszym serwisem w celu zdiagnozowania przyczyny:

41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Nasz serwis i infolinia jest do Twojej dyspozycji od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach
8 – 16.

W tym wypadku rekomendujemy skontaktowanie się z naszym serwisem przez adres mailowy i zgłoszenie problemu w celu otrzymania pełnej instrukcji w formie pisemnej co należy zrobić z urządzeniem.

Gwarantujemy otrzymanie odpowiedzi na zgłoszenie w ciągu 24 godzin (w dni robocze)

What app should I install to set up the smartwatch with my phone?

Our devices are compatible with smartphones running on Android and iOS operating systems. In the case of iOS, depending on the watch model, this may be limited compatibility so such information can always be found in the product description on our website. Carefully read your smartwatch’s user manual before connecting the watch to your phone. The next step is to download the app to connect the devices to the smartphone. Download the apps from the Play Store or App Store. The apps are free.

Applications are specified in the user manual that comes with the device.

GARETT Applications


The Garett Tracker app is dedicated to the following devices:

  • Kids Cute 4G
  • Kids Cute 2 4G
  • Kids Essa 4G
  • Kids Focus 4G RT
  • Kids Life Max 4G RT
  • Kids Nice Pro 4G
  • Kids Rock 4G RT
  • Kids Tech 4G
  • Kids Trendy 4G
  • Kids Twin 4G
  • Kids Sun Pro 4G
  • Kids Sun Ultra 4G
  • The app is also compatible with other, older models from the Kids series (excluding Kids Fit)

NOTE: Connecting a smartwatch running on the Garett Tracker app to another app may prevent it from reconnecting to the Garett Tracker app. A customer registering such a smartwatch in an app other than Garett Tracker does so at their own risk. We are not responsible in cases whereby you connect your watch to another app and the device does not work properly and you cannot reconnect it to the Garett Tracker app.

Da Fit

  • Activity
  • Activity GT
  • Lady Elegance RT
  • Sport Mode RT
  • Sport Mode Pro RT


  • Action
  • Classy
  • Wave RT

Glory Fit

  • GRC Activity 2


  • GRS
  • GRS Pro


  • Street Style


  • Kids Fit

QWatch Pro

  • Verona
  • Veronica

Smart-Time Pro

  • GRC Classic
  • GRC Style
  • GRC Maxx
  • V10
  • V12


  • Viva

You can’t find the app? The app won’t install on your device? In such cases, please contact our service:

+41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).

What conditions does a SIM card need to meet for a children’s watch to work properly?

Garett children’s watches are based on an active SIM card in the device. Our watches use a card in the Nano SIM format


  • Kids Cute 4G
  • Kids Cute 2 4G
  • Kids Essa 4G
  • Kids Focus 4G RT
  • Kids Life Max 4G RT
  • Kids Nice Pro 4G
  • Kids Rock 4G RT
  • Kids Tech 4G
  • Kids Trendy 4G
  • Kids Twin 4G
  • Kids Sun Pro 4G
  • Kids Sun Ultra 4G


Niektóre nasze starsze modele wymagały karty w formacie Micro Sim. Jeśli posiadają Państwo jeden z takich zegarków, prosimy o sprawdzenie instrukcji obsługi lub kontakt z serwisem.

The SIM card must meet the following conditions:

1. The card must be active (if it is a new card, it must be activated on the mobile phone by making an outgoing call);

2. The card must have funds on the account (applies to top-up cards);

3. The card must not have an active PIN code (to check if the card has an active PIN blockade, install it on your mobile phone and check if you will be asked for the PIN code when turning it on. If so, the lock is active, and you will need to turn it off in your phone’s settings or by contacting your operator);

4. The card must not have parental locks;

5. The card must have an enabled internet service and a number identification function;

6. We recommend that you purchase an Internet package from your operator so as not to incur additional costs since the device uses an Internet connection. The 1GB / month package is sufficient. The cost of an Internet connection, voice calls and text messages are regulated by the mobile operator’s price list;

SIM cards offered by operators as Internet-based, e.g. for tablets, may not work in the device.

Where can I find the ID / registration number of a children’s watch?

‘Where can I find the ID / registration code for the 4G children’s watch?’

The 15-digit code can be found when you turn on the watch and launch it in the function menu under the name QR Codes -> Registration Code. The code must be entered manually in the appropriate field in the Garett Tracker app2. The registration code can be found on a sticker with the word REG CODE on the back of the watch. 

Can’t scan the QR code in the app? Does the code you entered manually not match, or is it too short or too long? In such cases, please contact our service.

41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).

Why doesn’t the children’s watch vibrate despite having been set up?

Have you set the ‘Profiles’ function in the Garett Tracker app to ‘Vibrate & Ringtone’ or ‘Vibrate’ and the device still does not vibrate? Has the ‘Profiles’ feature disappeared from the app’s settings?

In this case, at the very beginning, it is necessary to confirm whether the model that has been registered in the application has a vibration module. Currently, the only devices in our offer that have vibrations are:

Smartwatch Garett Kids Tech 4G

Smartwatch Garett Kids Focus 4G RT

Smartwatch Garett Kids Sun Ultra 4G

Funkcja „Profile”

In the case of other models, they do not have a vibration module according to the information provided in the specifications of the devices on our website.

‘So why is the Profiles feature visible or was visible in the app settings?’

The ‘Profiles’ function can be seen in the settings, as the Garett Tracker app is compatible with all children’s watch models in our range. In most cases, the feature disappears from the app settings 24 hours after the device has been registered.

Funkcja „Wyłączone w klasie”

‘How do I mute the device then?’

The smartwatch can be muted via the app by turning on the ‘Disabled in the classroom’ mode. This mode locks your watch at certain times, preventing you from receiving and making calls and receiving/sending any notifications other than emergency calls that can be made from your watch.

W przypadku dalszych pytań lub braku rozwiązania w naszej pomocy technicznej, zapraszamy do kontaktu drogą mailową lub telefoniczną:

41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).

Brak podstawowej funkcji w aplikacji do zegarków dziecięcych i lokalizatorów

Zarejestrowałeś/aś nasze urządzenie w aplikacji Garett Tracker i brakuje w niej podstawowych funkcji, które są opisane w instrukcji?

W niektórych przypadkach funkcje pojawiają się po upływie 24 godzin od rejestracji urządzenia w aplikacji, więc na sam początek zalecamy cierpliwe poczekać aż urządzenie zsynchronizuje się z aplikacją.

Jeżeli funkcje nadal nie pojawiają się w aplikacji proszę zastosować poniższe rozwiązania:


Funkcja „Monitoring głosu”

Funkcja „Biała lista”

Proszę wysłać na zegarek/lokalizator następującą wiadomość SMS:


UWAGA: Powyższy kod spowoduje zresetowanie samego urządzenia do ustawień fabrycznych. Urządzenie musi być włączone.

Po otrzymaniu odpowiedzi zwrotnej proszę odczekać 24 godziny od otrzymania wiadomości zwrotnej i sprawdzić czy funkcja została przywrócona do aplikacji.

Jeżeli nadal funkcja nie powróci do aplikacji — należy zresetować urządzenie wraz z kontem na aplikacji Garett Tracker.

W tym celu prosimy o zastosowanie się do poniższej instrukcji:

Zresetuj urządzenie do ustawień fabrycznych


Funkcja „Profile”

Niestety nie wszystkie urządzenia posiadają funkcję Profile w ustawieniach aplikacji Garett Tracker.
W niektórych przypadkach funkcja „Profile” może się pojawić na chwilę po rejestracji, ale zwykle znika po 24 godzinach od rejestracji urządzenia w aplikacji.

Opcja ta może być widoczna w aplikacji, ponieważ Garett Tracker obsługuje różne modele urządzeń, gdzie niektóre z nich posiadają alarm wibracyjny. Funkcja „Profile” dedykowana jest do modelów zegarków dziecięcych z opcją wibracji takich jak np. Kids 2 lub Kids Rex 4G M.

Jeżeli w instrukcji obsługi urządzenia nie ma opisanej funkcji „Profile” —Funkcja nie będzie dostępna w aplikacji.

W celu wyciszenia urządzenia zalecamy skorzystanie z funkcji „NIE PRZESZKADZAĆ” opisanej w instrukcji obsługi.


Proszę wysłać na zegarek/lokalizator następującą wiadomość SMS:


UWAGA: Powyższy kod spowoduje zresetowanie samego urządzenia do ustawień fabrycznych. Urządzenie musi być włączone.

Po otrzymaniu odpowiedzi zwrotnej proszę odczekać 24 godziny od otrzymania wiadomości zwrotnej i sprawdzić czy funkcja została przywrócona do aplikacji.

Jeżeli nadal funkcja nie powróci do aplikacji —Należy zresetować urządzenie wraz z kontem na aplikacji Garett Tracker.

W tym celu prosimy o zastosowanie się do poniższej instrukcji:

Zresetuj urządzenie do ustawień fabrycznych

HARMONOGRAM (tylko urządzenia 4G)

Funkcja „Harmonogram / Plan lekcji”

Na samym początku należy sprawdzić czy funkcja „Plan lekcji” dostępna jest w menu urządzenia. Pozycja funkcji opisana jest w instrukcji obsługi dołączonej do urządzenia.
Jeżeli funkcja w zegarku jest dostępna, proszę spróbować zresetować urządzenie do ustawień fabrycznych z poziomu zegarka (Ustawienia) lub z poziomu ustawień w aplikacji Garett Tracker.

Po zresetowaniu proszę odczekać 24 godziny od otrzymania wiadomości zwrotnej i sprawdzić czy funkcja została przywrócona do aplikacji.

Jeżeli nadal funkcja nie powróci do aplikacji —Należy zresetować urządzenie wraz z kontem na aplikacji Garett Tracker.
W tym celu prosimy o zastosowanie się do poniższej instrukcji:

Zresetuj urządzenie do ustawień fabrycznych

W przypadku dalszych pytań lub braku rozwiązania w naszej pomocy technicznej, zapraszamy do kontaktu drogą mailową lub telefoniczną:

+41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Nasz serwis i infolinia jest do Twojej dyspozycji od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach
8 – 16.

Gwarantujemy otrzymanie odpowiedzi na zgłoszenie w ciągu 24 godzin (w dni robocze).

How do I extend the battery life of a children’s watch?

Before we move on to solving the above problem, it is worth checking if the charging time of the device is not too short. It should be approx. 2 hours for most children’s watch models. The battery in a new device can reach its full capacity after 2-3 charges. If the watch still does not work on a single charge according to your product specifications (you can check the battery life of your watch on our website under the ‘Functions and Parameters’ product page), please follow the instructions below:

Step 1

Please launch the Garett Tracker app installed on your smartphone. After logging in to the app with the account you created earlier, click on the settings icon to go to the corresponding function.

Step 2

After going to the settings, the screen will display a list of the features of the app and the watch. Between the ‘Voice Monitoring’ function and the ‘SMS Alarm Settings’ function, there should be an Operating Mode function, which determines the frequency of automatic refresh of the watch’s location.

Step 3

A list of watch modes will be displayed after clicking on this function.
‘Track’ mode – every 1 minute,
‘Normal’ mode – every 10 minutes,
‘Power Saving’ mode – every 1 hour.
‘Manual positioning’ mode – no automatic location checking
The list of available functions may vary depending on the model of watch.
If the app is set to track mode by default after registering the watch, then in this case we recommend setting it to normal mode as the app itself has suggested. With this mode, the battery life should be approximate to that described in the specifications of the device in question. If the watch still does not work satisfactorily for the user, we recommend turning on the power saving mode, which significantly affects the battery performance. Once you have selected the mode, you just need to confirm your choice by clicking OK.

Step 4

Once you have selected the appropriate mode for your watch, you should now test your device for battery life. First, charge the watch for approx. 2 hours, then monitor the watch’s operating time and battery percentage on an ongoing basis while using the watch.

Does the problem with the short battery life of the watch persist? Does the watch last only a few hours on a full charge in normal or economy mode? Do you have a Garett children’s watch, but on a different app? Please contact our service to diagnose the cause:

41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).

Inaccurate GPS location in children’s smartwatches

If you want the location of the watch to be determined with the greatest possible accuracy, the smartwatch must be in an open area to have a GPS signal. When there is no GPS signal in the watch e.g. inside a building, the location is determined on the basis of the nearest mobile network transmitter, which may affect its accuracy.

If the determined watch location is very distant, or if the GPS always shows the same location or many different ones, follow the instructions below to solve this problem:

Step 1

Launch the Garett Tracker app installed on your smartphone. After logging in to the app on your previously created account, click on the account settings icon to go to the relevant function.

Step 2

Once you are in the settings, a list of app and watch functions will be displayed on the screen. Between the “Change settings” and “Find watch” functions, there should be an LBS function, i.e. turning on/off the function of locating the watch based on the nearest mobile network transmitter when the watch loses GPS.



Step 3

Depending on the settings, the LBS function should be temporarily disabled for the watch to search for its location using GPS only. After turning off the function, test the tracked device in the Garett Tracker app. Once the location function has significantly improved and 24 hours have passed, you can enable the LBS function again.

Are you still experiencing the problem with inaccurate location of the device in the app? Do you own a Garett children’s watch, but on a different app? Please contact our service team to identify the cause:

+48 41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service team and hotline are here to assist you Monday to Friday between
8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service by e-mail and report the problem in order to receive full written instructions on what to do with the device.

We guarantee that you will receive a response to your application within 24 hours (on business days)

There is no internet connection, and the message in the application is ‘The device is not on the network.’

We divide our 4G children’s watches into two groups, those being ASR and Android. Please follow the relevant instructions depending on the model you have.
Android models:
– Kids Essa 4G
– Kids Sun Pro 4G
– Kids Sun Ultra 4G
– Kids Life Max 4G RT
ASR models:
– Kids Cute 4G
– Kids Cute 2 4G
– Kids Focus 4G RT
– Kids Nice Pro 4G
– Kids Rock 4G
– Kids Tech 4G
– Kids Trendy 4G
– Kids Twin 4G




Check that the SIM card meets all the requirements described in the question
What conditions does the SIM card have to meet for the children’s watch to work properly?

Turn off and restart your watch.

If the SIM card meets all the conditions and there is no Internet connection, you need to configure the APN according to the instructions below:

APN Configuration for 4G Android Watches
(APN configuration carried out from the watch)

Instructional video for configuring APN in 4G devices

Not satisfied with the paper and electronic version of the user manual for our children’s watches? That’s not a problem! Just turn on our new tutorial video

APN Configuration for 4G ASR Watches
(configuration is also suitable for older 2G watch models)

Instructional video for configuring APN in 4G ASR devices

Not satisfied with the paper and electronic version of the user manual for our children’s watches? That’s not a problem! Just turn on our new tutorial video

1. We send a text message from any mobile phone with the following text to the SIM card number in the watch.

  • The SIM card must be in the watch,
  • The watch must be turned on,
  • Letters are case sensitive.

Content of the first text message

After a while, you should receive
a response on the phone that reads:
[surl,,port,8001#] ok!

2. When we receive a response, we send a second message with content depending on the card operator on your watch:



We should get a response after sending:



We should get a response after sending: apn:virgin-internet;user:;password:;userdata:.



We should get a response after sending:



We should get a response after sending: apn:internet;user:internet;password:internet;userdata:.

If your SIM card operator is not listed above or is a foreign operator, please contact our service to determine the APN configuration codes for your device.

3. . After receiving a response, we send a third and final text message with the following content:


After receiving the ‘reset ok’ response, the watch should be connected to the Internet after a few minutes.

What if after APN configuration the problem is not resolved?

If your SIM card meets all the conditions and you still don’t have an internet connection, you should contact your mobile network provider. In case of further problems, please contact our support as follows:

Please send a text message to the watch with the following content:


Please send the automatic text message reply from the watch to the email address [email protected] in the body of the message or in an attachment. Then please provide the following information:

  • Device model
  • The name of the network operator of the SIM card in your watch
  • Subscription card / prepaid card / internet card / parental restricted card

Our service technicians will help you determine the cause of the device configuration problem. Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to provide a response to your request within 24-48 hours (on business days).

The watch won’t pair with the app on your phone

Have you purchased a watch from our company and can’t connect it to the app? Does the app not detect your device or won’t sync with it? Please follow the instructions below:

1. Please ensure that your watch is not connected to your phone directly through your phone’s Bluetooth settings. If so, you should unpair the band / watch from your phone, in your phone’s Bluetooth settings.

2. Reset the watch to factory settings if it has such a function from the device. Please refer to the user manual included in the box for information on where the reset function of the device is located.

3. After resetting the device, you need to reconnect it to your phone using the dedicated app. Also, please turn on your phone’s location service for pairing, which helps in the case of certain phone models

Have you followed the instructions above, but the problem with connecting your device to the app is still not resolved? Please contact our service to diagnose the cause of the problem.

41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.

We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).

I can’t register the device, “Pending admin confirmation”/”Account error” message in the app

When registering a child’s smartwatch in the dedicated app, do you see the above or a similar message? We can reset the watch remotely from our service so that it can be registered to a new account in the app.

Please follow the instructions below:

1. To reset your watch, send an e-mail to [email protected], putting “Watch reset” in the subject line. Please provide the following information in the message:

  • device model;
  • where the device was purchased.

2. Please attach a photo of the device’s registration number with a photo or scan of the proof of purchase in the form of a receipt or invoice.

* – w przypadku braku paragonu lub faktury można wysłać zdjęcie pudełka i akcesoriów naszego urządzenia (karta gwarancyjna, instrukcja obsługi, ładowarka).

3. After receiving the message, our consultants will reset the reported devices between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Upon completion, our employee will respond to the message, informing you that the device is ready to be registered in the dedicated app.

If your problem is not solved within 24 hours (on a working day), please contact our service team:

+ 48 41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service team and hotline are here to assist you Monday to Friday between
8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

How do you make a warranty claim?

Products sold in the Garett store have a 24-month warranty. Garett Electronics has a nationwide warranty service. Please keep the proof of purchase (receipt or invoice) until the end of the warranty period – they form the basis for claims.

Are there any problems with the purchased device? We will give you instructions on how to quickly and effectively carry out the claim. Please follow the Garett Electronics warranty service procedure:

Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 41 201 40 70.
Explain in detail the problem with the purchased device.

Fill in the warranty card

Fill in the warranty card

After contacting our employee and confirming the need to send the equipment to our service team, fill in the warranty card (contact details and description of the defect), attach the proof of purchase (copy or original) and return the entirety to the address.



Garett Dział Reklamacji
ul. Targowa 18, lok 1413 (14 piętro)
25-520 Kielce

We will handle the complaint

We will handle the complaint

After accepting the claim, our service team will consider the claim within 14 working days from the date of its receipt in the correct form.
After considering the claim, the device will be sent back by courier to the address provided by the customer in the warranty card.

Terms and conditions of making a warranty claim:

  • Warranty claims can only be delivered to our service by sending them to the above address. It is not possible to deliver the product which is the subject of the claim in person.
  • If the data or information provided in the claim needs to be supplemented, we will ask you to complete it accordingly before processing the claim.
  • We do not accept cash on delivery packages in the case of warranty claims.
  • The customer is obliged to send the product which is the subject of the claim at their own expense, and if the claim is accepted, the repaired or replaced product is sent back to the customer at our expense.

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Post-warranty repair

Do you want to repair your equipment post-warranty? Has the device been mechanically damaged or no longer has a warranty? In some cases, the repair may be covered by GARETT’s warranty.

Contact Us

Contact Us

[email protected]

Describe your request

Describe your request

Please include the following information in the body of your message:

  • device model;
  • information on how the mechanical damage occurred and/or when the warranty ended;
  • date of purchase.

Don't forget about attachments

Don't forget about attachments

Please send a photo of the damage along with proof of purchase (receipt or invoice) as an attachment to the message.

We will review your application

We will review your application

After receiving the notification, our consultants will present the cost of the repair along with instructions on how to send the device to our service.

Quick repair – spare parts delivery

Quick Repair is the solution for small repairs that do not require the shipment of the entire device. If there is a defective component in your watch (e.g. strap, charger, SIM card cap/tray) that does not require professional service, please send us a request for availability of such a part and possible shippingIf necessary, it is possible to send the device for the replacement of parts by a member of our service.


Contact Us

Contact Us

Submit a request for availability of such a part and possible shipping.

Describe your request

Describe your request

Please describe your request according to the instructions below. Please include the following information in the body of your message:

  • device model;
  • detailed description of the fault;
  • indication of the part demanded;
  • date of purchase.

Don't forget about attachments

Don't forget about attachments

Please send a photo of the damage along with proof of purchase (receipt or invoice) as an attachment to the message.

A consultant will contact you

A consultant will contact you

Upon receipt of your message, our consultants (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) will forward the message to qualified service personnel who will contact you.


Do you have a problem with your GARETT device, or do you need more information?

Our hotline is at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

©2023 Garett. Realisation: Netivo
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