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I can’t register the device, “Pending admin confirmation”/”Account error” message in the app


Czas czytania: 2 min

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When registering a child’s smartwatch in the dedicated app, do you see the above or a similar message? We can reset the watch remotely from our service so that it can be registered to a new account in the app.

Please follow the instructions below:

1. To reset your watch, send an e-mail to [email protected], putting “Watch reset” in the subject line. Please provide the following information in the message:

  • device model;
  • where the device was purchased.

2. Please attach a photo of the device’s registration number with a photo or scan of the proof of purchase in the form of a receipt or invoice.

* – w przypadku braku paragonu lub faktury można wysłać zdjęcie pudełka i akcesoriów naszego urządzenia (karta gwarancyjna, instrukcja obsługi, ładowarka).

3. After receiving the message, our consultants will reset the reported devices between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Upon completion, our employee will respond to the message, informing you that the device is ready to be registered in the dedicated app.

If your problem is not solved within 24 hours (on a working day), please contact our service team:

+ 48 41 201 40 70

[email protected]

Our service team and hotline are here to assist you Monday to Friday between
8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

©2023 Garett. Realisation: Netivo
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