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Czas czytania: 2 minHave you purchased a watch from our company and can’t connect it to the app? Does the app not detect your device or won’t sync with it? Please follow the instructions below:
1. Please ensure that your watch is not connected to your phone directly through your phone’s Bluetooth settings. If so, you should unpair the band / watch from your phone, in your phone’s Bluetooth settings.
2. Reset the watch to factory settings if it has such a function from the device. Please refer to the user manual included in the box for information on where the reset function of the device is located.
3. After resetting the device, you need to reconnect it to your phone using the dedicated app. Also, please turn on your phone’s location service for pairing, which helps in the case of certain phone models
Have you followed the instructions above, but the problem with connecting your device to the app is still not resolved? Please contact our service to diagnose the cause of the problem.
Our service and hotline are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In this case, we recommend that you contact our service via e-mail and report the problem to receive full instructions in writing on what to do with the device.
We guarantee to respond to your request within 24 hours (on business days).